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Psychological Aspects of Debt and Debt Advisory

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Debt

Debt is not just a financial burden; it can also take a toll on one's mental health. Understanding the psychological aspects of debt is crucial for both consumers and debt advisors. In Cyprus, as in many other countries, there is a growing recognition of the need to address the emotional impact of indebtedness.


Consumer Education and Psychological Support

Consumers entering into debt agreements must be aware of the potential psychological effects of debt. The Academy of European Consumer Debt Network provides courses to educate individuals and advisors on these aspects.


Key Psychological Considerations

  1. Perception of Money and Wealth: How individuals perceive money and their financial situation can impact their psychological well-being.
  2. Mental Health Issues: Recognizing the potential for mental disorders and the importance of specialised help in coping with debt-related stress and anxiety.
  3. Compulsive Shopping and Addiction: Understanding non-substance addictions, such as compulsive shopping and gambling, and their impact on financial well-being.
  4. Dealing with Stress: The psychological effects of pressure from creditors and collection agencies and how it can lead to stress and even stalking.


Psychological Debt Advisory

Advisors should be equipped to address the psychological aspects of debt with clients. This includes assessing the client's level of understanding of their situation, identifying root causes of financial behaviour, and recognizing when psychological support or crisis intervention is needed.



In Cyprus and across Europe, addressing the psychological impact of debt is becoming increasingly important. Consumers and debt advisors must be educated on these aspects to ensure that individuals not only manage their financial obligations but also safeguard their mental well-being. The European Academy of Financial Education offers valuable resources and training to help individuals navigate these challenges effectively.


Λεωφ. Ακροπόλεως 8, Γραφείο 302, 2006, Στρόβολος, Λευκωσία
Τηλέφωνο: +357 22 516112
Φαξ: +357 22 516118
Email: info@katanalotis.org.cy

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